Awards & Affiliations
International Slurry Surfacing Association - President's Award Recipients
2022 Yosemite National Park - Pavement Preservation
2020 Caltrans Pacific Coast Highway - Pavement Preservation Project 2018 2019 City of Apple Valley, CA - Pavement Preservation Project
2014 County of San Diego, CA - Citywide Slurry Seal Project No. 1018359
2013 County of Mendocino, CA - Multi-Layer Rehabilitation Project
2012 County of Santa Barbara, CA - County Wide Preventative Maintenance 2012 ISSA - 50 Years of Membership
Western Regional Association for Pavement Preservation – WRAPP Award of Excellence in Contracting:
2021 San Jose, CA - Major Street Sealing Project
2020 Calaveras County, CA - Cape Seal over FDR
2017 City of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA - Residential Streets
2015 City of Fairfield, Ca - Fiber Cape Seal Project
California Chip Seal Association – CCSA
2014 County of San Diego, CA - Slurry Project of the Year
2013 County of Mendocino, CA - Multi-Layer Project of the Year
2012 County of Santa Barbara, CA - Innovative Micro. Project of the Year 2011 City of Stockton, CA - Cape Seal Project of the Year
2011 Caltrans District 06 - Slurry Project of the Year
2010 Caltrans District 08 - Contracting Excellence
2009 City of El Paso Robles, CA - Innovative Slurry Project of the Year
2008 City of San Jose, CA - Innovative Chip Seal Project of the Year
2007 City of Antioch, CA - Award of Excellence in Contracting
2002 City of Oakland, CA - Award of Excellence in Contracting
2006 City of West Sacramento, CA - Cape Seal Project of the Year

Associated General Contractors - AGC
2022 Arizona - AGC - Preservation Project of the Year- City of Yuma AZ
2021 Arizona - AGC - Preservation Project of the Year- Grand Canyon AZ
2020 Arizona - AGC - Preservation Project of the Year- City of Scottsdale AZ
2011 California - AGC - Contractor Award Finalist- City of Santa Monica Airport

Winner of the 2020 IRF Global Road Achievement Award:
In 2020, The International Road Federation (IRF) announced that VSS International’s “Pacific Coast Highway – South Los Angeles” Project performed for Caltrans was the winner of the 2020 Global Road Achievement Award (GRAA) in the category of “Asset Preservation & Maintenance Management.” The award was presented to VSS International, Inc. on November 13th at the 2020 IRF Global R2T Conference in Dubai.
This award-winning section of the Pacific Coast Highway stretched 22 miles from Seal Beach north to Artesia Boulevard in Los Angeles County consisting of over 130 lane miles. Located in the heart of south Los Angeles County with a surrounding population of almost 10 million people, this roadway functions as one of the most heavily traveled routes in the area with approximately 80,000 vehicles per day, serving the Port of Long Beach and many local commercial districts. With a final contract value if $5,617,120.00 this contract required nighttime placement of approximately 8 Million square feet of engineered slurry seal under intense working conditions.
The International Road Federation’s awards program is recognized around the globe as a prestigious industry accolade and serve as a reminder to a much wider audience that the mobility everyone takes for granted would not be possible without the talent and commitment of our global road building industry. By winning this award, VSS International, Inc. and Caltrans have joined an elite group of GRAA winners whose exemplary projects have been recognized by their peers for their excellence, innovation, and societal impacts while projects like the PCH project serve as a model of inspiration for others in the road and transport sector.

Notable Awards:
2020 ISSA Preservation Performance Award - City of Scottsdale AZ
2020 APWA Project of the Year - City of Sacramento
2020 International Road Federation - Caltrans Pacific Coast Highway
2016 APWA Project of the Year - Town of Moraga